Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Mind Is A Terrible Thing to Waste!!

Honda has demonstrated another milestone in man's attempts to control machines by the power of thought alone.This Goes to show you how advance technologically we've become, A contribution to the already outstanding work Japanese developers have become in the world.Sort of reminds me as something as Imaginary like the X-men movies now an Actualization. Using a helmet-like device that measures a person's brain activity and sends signals to the machine, Honda showed how a researcher could make its celebrity robot Asimo move simply by concentrating on the movement.Honda said the technology was not quite ready for a live demonstration because of possible distractions in the person's thinking. ASIMO can perform the motions correctly in 90.6 percent of cases - a record in the field of BMI technology - the scientists told a Tokyo news conference.This is Only a small break-through in the possibilities of the developments as Honda hopes to use this Robot to help people do many duties like Serving dishes and watering plants most objectives around the home.still seems a little Unsubstantial in people believing it works but only time will tell how we could very soon have our robot speak for us..

1 comment:

  1. *sigh*

    Didn't anyone watch the Terminator films? I swear... I get so tired of having to remind people!

    Now I have to blog about it.

    Mark my words- the development/use of this device will NOT end well. I feel like Sarah Conner... :P
